Token Black

So I think we've established that Davey Pants is either Lana's mom or her eventual killer.

I gotta say the Rob Schneider backlash was really hard on me though.

Yeah, you can't have a backlash to something or someone that wasn't very well liked to begin with.

"I'm a big Lana Del Rey fan".

*scrolls up to see what JenFringe is talking about*

I haven't seen any of his tv shows, so perhaps that makes it much easier for me to hate him. Actually I don't even have a problem with most of his movies…it's just him I can't stand.

The shovel POV is the only one I thought was clumsily done. Love everything else and while I get why people might find it "showy", I don't have a problem with it because it's been part of the show's charm right from the beginning and they more often than not use it very well. Not to get into the "best show ever"

I read it a while ago and I'm still struggling to wash away the stink of that self-indulgent, soapy mess.

Judd Apatow is like the moderately popular, "funny" guy in class that everyone secretly hates. The jocks hate him because their girlfriends keep talking about how nice he is and how much he respects them, the girlfriends hate him because they know he's doing this just to get in their pants, the nerds hate him because

Garfunkel and Oates are fucking awful.

Now I wanna watch all of South Park in french.

Oh wow, "you jesting ham" and "you gawddamned actuate puppy". Maybe I should just read the first sentence of every paragraph he posts.

"Believe me, you blasmephous ham" is fucking great though.

I "like" every Tarkovskys Former AD post. I've never actually read any of them.

It's easy to imagine Katy Perry saying the same…topless. brb.

Crawl Space has an incredible ending but the 45 minutes or so preceding it were far from perfect in my opinion. I haven't seen One Minute in a while, but I remember thinking it was a great episode even before the final showdown and then the ending happened and "HOLY SHIT". Same with Half Measures.

Yup, One Minute for me too…and probably Half Measures and Full Measures too. The second half of Breaking Bad's third season has to be one of the finest runs in television history.

Yeah, but Gawker is terrible at this while O'Neal has made it an art form.

Ha, what a bunch of "morons".

@avclub-f336f687c802c5fb53f586a467b03580:disqus So I guess they should've called the show Glum.