Token Black

Hop hop is where it's at.

Well, apparently disqus took thanksgiving off as well, so I got about 15 notifications just now. I clicked on the latest one and I saw your comment. Reading it without any context was a very confusing experience.

"Whenever people ask me what time it is, I tell them - it's time to stop being angry at Twilight.

If we had unregistered comments, "Marah Eakin" would give you a very stern lecture right now.

Yeah, it was a joke. I just assumed everyone here knew about that misconception.

As a blue amphibian tetrapod, let me just say that I'm glad the AV Club has finally hired another black writer to accompany Tasha "T-Rob" Robinson.

But MBS was really, really enthusiastic about movies while Gherkins is really, really enthusiastic about posting comments. I, on the other hand, have five fingers.

Well, we disagree because that's exactly what I meant by corsets not being magical…those don't look like breasts, they just look like a skinny dude's chest been pushed up as high as possible.

Well, it does suggest that corsets are not as magical as they were once thought to be.

"I think I left my toothbrush at your house. Can I have an interview?"

Cool symptoms of oncoming dementia, bro.

Now I know you're going to think I'm crazy here, but could it just be that Scorsese makes a lot of very, very good films?

With the defense of this and Twilight, it appears the AV Club is slowly turning into EW. And frankly, that sickens me.

So what you're saying is…COMMUNITY SUCKS?

It's time to stop being angry at Mama Drama - Marah Eakin, For Our Consideration, 2012.

Easy page views and terrible taste.

For a long while, I've thought For Our Consideration was probably the worst running feature on this site (not counting Amelie's leftovers).

Liked this episode a lot, but I really hope they tone down the "meta" (I've begun to really hate this word) angle after this episode. I don't mind self-aware humour and this episode incorporated it well, but it just feels weird and out of place on a show like Its Always Sunny, where all the characters are some of the

Yes, they were supposed to be.