
Also brilliant Christopher Plummer/James Mason-starring Sherlock Holmes-hunts-Jack-the-Ripper adventure Murder By Decree and enjoyable 'Timothy Hutton-is-a-badass-graffiti-artist-who-plays-by-his-OWN-rules' comedy-drama Turk 182. I loved Bob Clark, hugely underrated director. Porky's is easily the best of that slew

'You mean that bit of wool on your tit?'

'Ye've masterrrred a dead tongue….but can ye handle a LIVE ONE?'

There was a recent Channel 4 documentary about Brenda Spencer that is one of the grimmest things I've ever seen. She's been in jail since she was 16 years old, and will almost certainly die in there. Not condoning the insane slaughter of teachers and children, but her plight still got me down.

I watched Heathers again a couple of years ago for the first time in about a decade(after having spent my earyl twenties being told how much like Christian Slater in that movie I was, which I always took as a compliment), and felt a little let down by it. Maybe familiarity with the subsequent careers of Slater and

'When does a Dreeeeeeaaammm…….be-come a NIGHT-maaaaare…..?'

But Reck, aren't you a TEACHER?????

The way Tarantino utilises real time is the best thing he does in my opinion. I can't believe that opening sequence was 25 minutes long, it flew by and I was gripped every second of it.

I have fun. I have LOTS of fun. I have fun all the live long day. Perhaps just not YOUR kind of fun.

Not quite, Yummsh. I agree that it's one of the best things he's ever done, (certainly I enjoyed it more than any of his movies since Pulp Fiction) but there are loads of cultural refs in the movie, from King Kong to GW Pabst to Karl May to Jewish folklore (the Golem). Making the English spy a former film critic,his

*applause* Campico. Can't disagree with any of that. This comment thread is turning out to be one of the most fascinating I've read on here in a while.

You know what i'm not a fan of? The singular 'Scicssor' as in 'Have you got a Scissor?' It's 'Have you got SCISSORS?'

Apologies for typos.

I think she still looks great, 'zaftig' or not.

Second, freakyfriday.

smauis, it's a snapshot of a time, not a polished major-label job. Fear are pretty fucking loathesome in Decline Part One, but that's part of what makes it a great doc.

I got pretty decent bootleg of the Decline of Western Civilisation Part One and D.O.A. from a guy on eBay last year, but they must have rumbled him before I could order URGH (which he had) and a couple of other choice lost punk classics. I am really thrilled about this.

Typos of Delight.

I've been wanting to see URGH: A Music War since my mid-teens when In read about it in a movie mag, and Mike Hofges The Terminal Man is one of my all-time favourite movies. Fuck the hordes, *I'm* excited.