
You're not sending me to the COOLER!

You're a sad strange little man…and you have my pity.

You are joking about Butterfly…right?

Good Album is Good
The only real embarrassment is Unbreak My Heart…which I laugh at everytime.

Oh hey…

Maybe he's a queerbird…then perhaps I finally have a chance with him.

ur assertion would be quite false…it's their best since Green.

…is randomly watching an episode of Funny Or Die Presents on HBO starring Tim and Eric…with your mother. The fact that she was laughing hysterically made me question my existence.

Someone just proved themselves to be gayer than I am. Congratulations, sir/madam.

"Oh hey, we're Pitchfork…we're gonna hype this album into infinite for months and let MIA take over our Twitter to promote her album…then we'll call it garbage in our review" They seriously have no clue what they're doing.

Anal Destination
So I guess everyone dies from dysentery or AIDS?

funniest video
Yeah, I cracked up at the villains. But seriously, I would've done that too.

oh m and m
You haven't been good in about 9 years…please stop.

For reals?
C+? You've got to be kidding me. This is one of their strongest albums. It really does have something for everybody. The only knock I have against it is Cameo…what were they thinking, putting that on the album

Really diggin' these guys after I've put them off for so long because of their silly name. Never judge a book by it's cover kids…ever.

In the words of Yoda…and that is why you fail.

Oh lord…
The Pain!