
Right. 'Running time ~ 150 minutes' is a warning label (it's so often either something with a lot of plot that needs 3 hours that has been brutally pared back, or it's a one-main-idea, 90-110 minutes film that's bloated out with CG and general ill-discipline).

It's on the Perks of Being A Wallflower soundtrack, so it's safe to say that you're not alone. 'Shadow of a Doubt' from Evol was my own nuclear moment.

The unattainable girl in H.P. isn't a (programmed to be) ice-queen, ball-breaker, rather she's a sweetie stuck on an implausible loser. Thanks J.K..

Phil Kauffman's commentary on the dvd is worth a listen too.

IOTBS (1978) really is fantastic, and it kicked off an era of really thoughtful '50s sci-fi remakes, e.g., The Thing and The Fly (both of which are also pretty awesomely grim).

Brooke Adams had an excellent late '70s with this and Days of Heaven. Too bad that she didn't get much film work after this. (Do you think that every time she's gone into a bar over the last 30 years, someone has asked her to 'do that thing with your eyes.'?)

'Me and My Charms' is awesomely good live too. Viva the Hersh!

Yeah, it does a bit, but somehow Gaga's version of the underlying idea has no feel to it…. I dunno, Gaga's a pretty good performer (witness some of her vocals on this track) but she's not much of a songwriter or arranger.

Ramsay's Movern Callar is a kind of masterclass in the possibilities of sound too. She's the best at this since Lynch I'd say.

Ha! I thought the screaming woman with the long blonde hair being sedated was Piper for a moment too.

Franju's film may indeed be a better film than Idol's track is a record, but Idol's track is still pretty fantastic. From the terrific in-the-pocket bass through to the buzz-saw guitar power chord riff through to the great 'Say your prayers' transition back to the mellow stuff for the final verse and chorus, the whole

Les Sang des Betes is terrific. Never have I been so glad for b/w! In color it would have been unbearable.

Eh, it's OK. The funny thing is that I saw this movie on TV as a kid and I (mis-)remembered the ending quite differently: Fonda as Young Lincoln sits in a chair in an emptying courtroom after the main case is won, match-dissolve to the Lincoln monument in the same pose, THE END. It's staggering to me how often I do

The review reads far worse than a C-. My sense is that serious Screed/Grade mismatches have recently become much more common in the AVClub.

The review reads more positively than a B+.

Better than all of Jaws, Dog Day, Nashville, Lyndon, Cuckoo's Nest, Mirror, Day Of The Locust, The Passenger? I don't think so, but  TMWWBK is indeed terrific, and has somehow seemed very relevant to recent western adventures in Afghanistan.

You mean this isn't 2007?