
You're the eye in the sky but you won't do that (anywhere near the edge of glory).

Yep, Young could play Tyrell's niece who was the model for Rachel's memories at least. Damn it, I'm won over: get SY on the phone stat.

That the only reliable test should be psychological seems very implausible given that the replicants have beyond-Olympian levels of strength or flexibility or tolerance of extreme temperatures, etc.. Basically, the things they do that make them extraordinary and useful for off-world assignments have physical bases;

@avclub-c90d24f7f3c3bf0291a60677aab4c3c6:disqus Ha, I'd forgotten about that intro. (which radio always used to omit)! Maybe that pitches the track close to Paradise-level egregiousness now I think about it. Still, the body of YTTWROOMM rocketh most pleasurably.

Punch-drunk Love suggests that PTA agrees with you.

And 'You took the words right out of my mouth' (which was a hit) is a perfectly decent  power-pop song.

or Franco.

Analytic philosophy killed it in the '70s.

A couple of good candidates from England: The Specials' Ghost Town completely nailed the sharp, high-interest rate recession at the beginning of the '80s that killed off inflation at the cost of massive unemployment, and Frankie Goes To Hollywood's Two Tribes nailed (along with tv-movie Threads) the exact moment in

I don't think you're ready for this jelly.

Annie Hall
Broadway Danny Rose
Purple Rose Of Cairo
Husbands and Wives
(Love and Death, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Stardust Memories, Radio Days, maybe Hannah and Her Sisters, Sweet and Lowdown are the next tier down for me).

It's been a while since I've seen it…. but this is a completely dreadful film. One big, lumpen, ponderous, presumptively metaphorical scene after another. Life's a circus? Life's a brothel? Life's a circus in a brothel? Oy, spare me from agreeing with Stanley Kauffmann.

It may not be rocket science but the article cunningly managed to omit any reference to Juju, suggesting that Houston, we may have a problem.

@avclub-5b8e4fd39d9786228649a8a8bec4e008:disqus The slight surprise at the time (as expressed in reviews of Interiors) was that Allen *really* liked (in part aspired to be) Bergman whereas the parodies in Love and Death etc. had left open the possibility that he mainly liked to (gently) mock such self-seriousness.

'Most people only know….'
Not in the '70s, at least in all the markets where people were going to buy tickets to Interiors (maybe jokey references to The Seventh Seal were all the Bergman people who'd never go to Interiors would have recognized then). Things like Persona were staples of High-art repertory in all big

I dunno, compare (I mean watch consecutively) Midnight In Paris with Purple Rose which it somewhat resembles; MIP's vastly inferior. Among recent, not-completely-awful-so-call-it-a-comeback Allens, Vicky Cristina Barcelona is the best I think.

You haven't seen Chinatown? The Brad. also pops up in lots of music videos, e.g., The Pointer Sisters' 'He's so shy': http://youtu.be/4CIKNOiajU4

They swung on the flippity-flop together.

Its mockability notwithstanding, I love that song. And so do you; you will, on visiting Seattle, get your ass out to Discovery Park and reenact the vid..

I've come around on Madonna's 'Die Another Day' and find it the best of recent Bond themes (not even the 'Sigmund Freud; analyze this' section bugs me). God help me, I even like most of the American Life album.