
Ha! All the likes for you, dear madam or sir.

You could argue that this project works well as a faithful tribute to Shakespeare; in most of his works, after all, he was rewriting/reappropriating other stories and plays.

@avclub-beddc9f9e1c9b438dc4246e494644ce4:disqus For what it's worth, your description of cooking without recipes perfectly fits multiple generations of my white, descended-from-Irish-immigrants, talented-at-food family. I think it may have more to do with a familial tradition of good cooks than anything strictly

Here we are, born to be kings, we're the princess of the universe…

His hair.

K. Thrace: Keep in mind, though, that the old-school religion the Starks follow is also the religion of everyone in the North. While not as populous as the South, that's still over half of the realm from a geographic perspective and I think counts as an active & not insignificant religion. Moreover, Ned Stark built

Why does everyone always refer to Talisa as a nurse? The woman amputates limbs; at the very least she qualifies as a field surgeon. Her skillset is much more in line with an MDs than an RNs. I'm not happy she died, but happy I don't have to roll my eyes at this (I'm sure unintentional) sexism* any longer.

HA! Things like references to Foucault, Renaissance lesbian crimes and a history of sexual mores back to medieval times are precisely why I spend so much time reading forums on this site. I am also a huge nerd with a liberal arts post-graduate degree, though.

@avclub-94d231f11cdc1fae024849f33f7a7156:disqus Or similar to getting the Secretary of Education sworn in? Presuming the White Walkers are cylons…

I think the main problem here is while he risks looking weak if he holds Karstark as a hostage, he truly becomes weak(er) by executing him & losing all of the Karstark forces. I think this show/universe argues that honor and justice can't be blind, but need to be tempered with some degree of pragmatism. If you want to