Lt. Obvious

There was a reason for those "sleepy eyes".

One word: Sidehacking

Don't forget there are two Mitchell episodes.

I think "Santa Claus Vs. The Martians" would be a good starting point.

I was well initiated when I saw Mano (the hands of fate [said sotto voce] ), I howled.

Do you remember when it was on A&E?

I used to sing the Gammera song until my ex would scream.

Thirds on Mind Over Matters

Oh the vocal stylings of John Carridine.

Reb Brown bears a striking ressemblence to Mike Nelson.

Hamlet is a good call, plus it looks like video instead of film.

Have you read the karma clause in the pimp manifesto?

Are you ready to whip a big booty with a car antenna?

He was only pimpish

Just remember "ain't no fun 'less the homies get some."


Disney conducted a seance?
Why this sounds diabolical.
Some one must inform Michele Bachmann.

Because intellectual giants (like Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum) haunt your public buildings?

You mean because their decayed corpses provide us with petro-chemicals?

Though she was once St. Jerome, then what happened?