Lt. Obvious

I'm thinking that serious drinking would up the entertainment value of most tv shows.

Getting the weekly cume is better than no cume at all… I guess.

It's Wyoming greedhead for those keeping score at home.

I don't know… does "Guernica" make you uncomfortable?

When I was younger and heading up a nuclear family I must have nailed the demographic:
right age
right job
right number of kids
what ever

How does one come upon a term like "rat king"?

I'm out of the demographic.
I hadn't seen a TV comercial this year until the football season started.

I'm pretty sure you're under estimating how open minded middle aged female hypochondriacs can be.

17 years ago… groundbreaking!

I'm bad with pronouns.
Can you help me out on "this"?

Who in the f*ck is us?

Especially considering your avatar.

I'm pretty sure Margot Kidder was legitimately psychotic (at least at some point after/during the Christopher Reeve era of the Superman franchise).

What a fascinatingly fresh observation.

Whether the kid is "pre-gay" or not is hard to judge (not that it matters), but the kid really seemed to be enjoying playing the part.


Ray11 I have to take issue with that statement, although I think I see your point.

I'm in for $5

So shoot it in their eyes?

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