Lt. Obvious

Alright but pull up those damn pants…
and sit up straight…
and wipe that smile off your face.

It was a Blake (major hack) Edwards film made less then 20 years after WWII.
People were not wringing their hands over the internment camps during that era.

Not if he's flying Southwest

… and that will be different, how?

Slow news day.

Hunter may sound country, but you can count on a tweedy couple to pin that apellation on their scion.

I feel the same about the currently deceased Julia Childes.

I thought that was a "Leave It To Beaver" reference.

Did the dream involve ripped sheets?

There is a scene in "The Apprenticeship of Duddy Cravitz", where several jewish men are in a steam bath and refer to the goyim in general as white men/people.

In the continuing adventures of having a non-cinephile G/F, I thought I'd introduce her to Busby Berkley this weekend.
Unfortunately the only thing on hand was "Gold Diggers of 1933", does anyone (Craig J. Clark) know if that was Busby Berkley's first film?
The dances were way too tame for her to gain an understanding

Isn't a comment on S/H/5 required here?

This is slightly off topic but "If" was a great film that seems shunned from discussion… because of Columbine?

That's similar to my take too and I'm a big John Huston fan.
I saw P/H when it was new (just out on VHS) and I was surprised by the critical hoopla it generated.

Matewan, Brother (F/A/P) and Lone Star were all worth the time I invested.
I've always wanted to see Seacaucus 7, but it hasn't crossed my path.

Technically they were sharkectomies, because sharks don't have enlarged sebacious glands.

Technically he was Jewish because technically he was circumsized.

Hanging from chandelier ,

You'd be surprised how many [self proclaimed] hip-hop artists are released in a given week.

I hate that shit (not at work so I can say the poo-poo words).