
and then Glen Quinn overdosed and died.

Fry's dog.

Instead, we get Tom Riker seducing the ladies of DS9 and "stealing" a ship, because undercover brother!

It's actually not unheard of to name your kids with the same name, like George Foreman.  One of my dad's friends is Jim and so are both of his sons, altho one does go by James.

He's a wee little puppet man!


Besides, he's also Rory's dad and by killing him off, you make the Doctor very angry.  you saw what he did to the Family of Blood. think what he could do to Voldemort's troops.

Say whatever about Sylar and peter, but Hiro was the show's exercise in character torture.  How the hell Masi put up with that nonsense is beyond me.  hopefully, he's got it better on H5-0, now?

They did off a fair number of characters, like the gal on Castle, now (IN THE COMICS); manic pixie pusher girl; Ted the nuclear guy; Hank 1, Hank 2; several random Sylar victims, including Molly's parents in the second episode; Charlie the waitress—no, she actually got alive in s4 timey-wimeyness, then died of old age.

s3 finale? yeah.  they cried "budget!" on that one, but part of it could have been shown, and then saved the climax for later, when Peter pulls the Big Reveal at the end. meh.

Someone mentioned Heroes mid-thread a bit above, but I'll repeat it here:
Jack Coleman's HRG was only supposed to have a six episode arc before being written out, too.  They liked him a lot and kept him around, so at least we got Company Man out of him before the show started spiralling into wtFville.

It could have made the list, as Jack Coleman's HRG was only planned for a six episode arc.

Yes, aside from the Miss Cleo outfits.

@avclub-1ef83ff6aceb6847da6c91867e20611b:disqus Jesus wasn't a vampire, that was Godric. Jesus was possessed and killed, then appeared as a ghost before Kevin Alejandro moved on to other things.

End of the first novel, I heard?  TB s1 ended with the feet hanging out of the cab, but the show turned it into that fake medium that he and Tara had gotten mixed up with.

Kevin Alejandro as Jesus.
What makes that funny is he chose True Blood over SouthLAnd and was killed off within weeks of each other when they aired.  oops?

Adrian Paul, Aaron Paul, Bill Pullman, Bill Paxton and all those others should do a movie together. like a Twins sequel.

I thought Frohike was the Garth Algar lookalike (from Wayne's World)?

"Oh, but i made a good wife!"