
now listen up, Miss LaLa ain't havin' none o'dat shit, y'all.

There are FOUR GIRLS!!!

apparently, HBO had an all day marathon of last season leading into the premiere?  I only found out about it from GetGlue. Even the HBO TB page on FB didn't bother to mention it.

Meat Loaf and Pearl Aday - Man of Steel
ugh. just..ignore the tweeny home video crap, but this is apparently the only version on the YT right now?

The only song on the Alex Ross Ipod.

Chris Lambert or Ron Ely or GTFO!


too soon?
better cool that ass in the fridge.


@Nudeviking:disqus yeah, basically The Honeymooners brought into the 90s.

If he can't, I met someone last night who could be his identical looking son at a friend's party.  Apparently, he's a regular at Archon, where GRRM has been several times over the years, literally since the beginning.

well, *someone* got fucked Sunday night, hard and dry, like fresh fish in the Big House.

I thought the kids today were all about The Grape aka The Sizzurp?

Does this film have "Little Ray" or was that just Quadrophenia?

I'm not even sure I understood that concept.  People are pretending to be hypnotized to assuage their EBIL!! cock-sucking urges?  Is this a Repuglican thing?

@avclub-9ce04591654645426079a7c2faa385e4:disqus as long as she don't mess with my boy Cudlitz!! i'm hoping Regina King gets a directorial nod, but there's  an effort for supporting actress(??- ONLY main female cast! WAHAT?)

@avclub-0b42e2fbb64a053aa3ec5c8b75926ae3:disqus so someone saying there's going to be "wedding*s*" in s3 last year is a spoiler if we knew at least one was coming and a second was hinted?  Robb's was supposed to happen later than it did. is that a spoiler?  the closest I said anything about tonight was the fact we

@avclub-005286253a34e3a32c7fa87a3b7c6b30:disqus yes! another one for Team Ardry! w00t! ;)