
Mel - I don't think she gave any indication where she was going when she left DS/Stannis.  I even made a joke she was "raven-mail buddies" with Thoros, completely unaware of her destination. (and new sidearc)

at least a month to get from KL to WF, I think? and that's a royal procession with Robert taking hunting detours both ways, and whatnot.

I missed not seeing her.  I was all "Joe Dempsie! hey, he get same billing shot as Jack Gleeson now, only higher. huh."

The Quickening.

"If my mother were here, she'd knock both your heads together and send you to your room!"

I'm still convinced that Syrio was Jaqen. Until we see them together, you will never convince me otherwise.

Simon is a total emo, but a "flashback" reveals a potentially darker side.  Future!Simon has an agenda and doesn't want anyone to get in his way.

I think even Brienne had twins during that pregnant pause.

#TeamArdry #SaveGendry

@disqus_5iPX2cyzfR:disqus they're barely sticking to the framework of the book, now, so we're all in the dark about what might or might not happen on the show, next.



There are rare circumstances where a bastard is acknowledged and accepted by their Lord father, but this can't happen with Gendry since Robert's dead.

At beginning of last season, that one guy had that book with all the bastards in it.  I'm not sure if he's still around, but Ser Meryn Trant (Bronn's favorite King's Guard) knows about him, but I doubt he would confirm it or let anyone else know.  I would guess he told Joff they were all "taken care of".

We need another nude scene first. ;)

too soon?

Ser Giles Rosby?

tastes like chicken. YUM!

yet he's still in denial his twins are Targaryeon'ing on like that.