The Crimson Avenger

You know, I was watching the movie the other night on IFC and when that scene came on it occurred to me that maybe that scene was supposed to come before the scene where Scully goes in front of the hospital board, and not after, the way it was actually edited in the film. The idea being Scully finds out about a

So glad to see this article. This probably doesn't have to be said, but I'm in the minority on this one, in that I've always liked the movie. I remember being pretty underwhelmed at the idea of seeing it at the time it came out, but planned to do so regardless on account of my love for the series back in the day. And

Put me in the disappointed column. I steered clear of all the spoilers so I think I went in with a pretty clear slate, so I was cool with the setup explained in the opening crawl. I was happy for awhile. The opening scene wasn't too bad, if the action didn't have much zip to it. Ren's first appearance was cool. Liked

My God, that's sad. Really gonna hate seeing Mythbusters go.

Yeah, I can remember watching Ren & Stimpy as a kid and feeling a little uneasy with it without ever really knowing why. Still don't know if I get it.

No kidding. Man, I tell you what, that scene with the horse is something I still think about to this day. Every time I do I just shake my head and think to myself, that's tough, man. That's tough.

Yeah, I thought this was going to be one of those shows that lasted forever. Really sad to hear it's ending.

You know, I can't help but notice they smoke Morleys on The Walking Dead. I thought that was just an X-Files thing, but that makes me wonder if maybe Morley's just the go to brand stand-in they use in things.

Hey man, don't be too hard on yourself. Sounds like something we've all done, at some point.

Well yeah, that's true. . .

Yeah, I prefer Season Nine to Eight, for whatever reason. Think I like Doggett and Reyes better than Scully and Doggett. And I think I just wasn't really all that big a fan of the MOTWs in Season Eight for whatever reason. The metal man episode comes to mind, for example. But I know I'm in the minority on this.

See, I don't see how they couldn't have accommodated him to some degree on that. I'd say even the Season Nine haters would be cool with more Doggett, since he's one cast addition that most people liked and would like to see again.

I'm somewhat partial to the first season, though there's no argument the second season's definitely better. Looking back on it, I think it really might've just been episodes two through four of the first season that kind of sucked and knocked back their momentum. The rest of season one, save maybe for the finale, was

Been a big fan of the show from the first episode, so I'm really glad they've renewed it for another season. Really looking forward to it. Also, even though it really wasn't all that big of a part, it was cool seeing girl in The Martian over the weekend.

That's a good idea.

Yeah, love the opening titles and music. One of the best in television, I think.

Holy fuck, that didn't occur to me until you mentioned it.

Yeah, real disappointed about it too.

Go, dude. Then come back and tell us whether it was any good or not.

Yeah, I'm psyched to see Reyes back. Been a little disappointed that they weren't able to work out Robert Patrick's schedule with Scorpion so that he could appear (unless he's making a surprise appearance), if he even wanted to.