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    I tried, I tried. It had moments of promise, but in the end I found it thoroughly confusing. Maybe I'm stupid, but I can't even follow the plot.

    Oh god, that was beautifully simple, thank you. I've come across several 800-word explanations of all this, and I just can't.

    I agree. He's no longer human. Deal with it!

    He saved Tyrion's life, actually … Jaime has grown remarkably since season 1. I have a lot of sympathy for him, which I suspect will grow in the coming episodes.

    I don't even read him, I'm here for the great comments.

    Who can sleep after that???

    I watched both. It's absolutely worth it to see it again in better quality.

    Funny how one never forgets Podrick's dick. That was how many seasons ago???

    That look she gave him. Brrrrr.

    I thought so, too. This was the moment when turning against his own family/people went from abstract to very real. Did you see his face when the Dothraki guy said to him, "Your people can't fight!"?

    A little applause for Helena's food-stuffing in this episode? Was that a quarter-tray-sized baked item in one big shove?

    He's still hot in Narcos.

    He's the smartest man on the show. "Chaos is a ladder."

    Says the fancy user of semicolons. :-)

    She intuits that he's not the sharpest tool in the shed.

    Proving to her that he sees everything.

    She's such a pompous little shit. "Bend the knee," my ass.

    Seriously. I was thinking, come ON, Bran, help her out a little!

    So, Olenna's confession exonerates Tyrion from Joffrey's murder, in Cersei's eyes. She'll still find reasons to hate him, I'm sure.

    My sentiments exactly. The episode from a few weeks ago focusing on Alison, Donnie and other older plot threads reminded me of when the show was really good.