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    That doesn't surprise me.

    Theriot leaves me speechless (and near tears much of the time). What a tremendous actor.

    Well said, I couldn't agree more.

    Series grade: A. Maybe A+. This was a remarkable series from start to finish, and one I will strongly recommend. It's a shame that it has been so overlooked during its run. Maybe it will find a bigger following in its afterlife on Netflix.

    Am I crazy to hope for a Coon meets Tolman? The two badass law women joining forces, however briefly?

    And you know this how???? :-)

    Couldn't agree more. If those two don't make it, I'll be so very bummed.

    I'll allow her a period of coldness/anger/confusion, but then she has to forgive Dylan and be with him again.

    Kills Norman and himself. That's my guess.

    Yes. Fuck Chuck, hard and forever with a splintery broomstick. (Sorry, I get carried away on this subject.)

    That would just about kill me.

    Echoes of Felicity for me last night! Her wig at the shrink's was so atrocious, but we know Keri can wear curls! I think it was the bangs and general wind-whipped look of it.

    And let me just add that he is adorable. I understand how Keri was charmed.

    I'm still worried about that. To me it looked like a burn and jump.

    I just figure the sheriff's office would have known his story. But maybe not.

    True. I'm probably being too persnickety.

    I passionately love this show, but this episode had a few subpar moments that made me fear a shark jump. 1) How can the police thoroughly search the motel and not find traces of Sam Loomis' blood spatter/body tissue all over that freaking bathroom? I believe Norman does a decent clean-up, but he's no Dexter Morgan. 2)

    I loved the John Denver. Such a relief that this dark show always manages to offer at least one laugh.

    I hadn't heard of this. I'll have to look it up. Crossing my fingers that it's worthy of his time and talent!

    I, too, have faith in Hawley & Co., and I appreciate the fact that they took their time getting this ready. (And Ewan McGregor. And Carrie Coon. They're coming into this locked and loaded.)