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    I say "Ewww, gross, Mom!" to the hand job. You're pushing 50, have a little dignity.

    "I come from a long line of scrappers. We learn to let go of our weaknesses so we can fight better." I'm almost as sick of Lara's tough girl cliched pronouncements as I am of her flowy Indian top wardrobe.

    Clearly I watched too much Oz.

    Rape victim opts for 10 years in prison. I suppose Taylor is old enough to understand that a prison stay will mean more rape than he could ever imagine, but I'm still surprised his attorney and mother did not explicitly tell him this.

    Yeah, I didn't see your comment till after I'd posted. Your guess for what happens makes sense.

    I don't see it going past this one.

    I love this show. It absolutely nails midlife everything.

    Couldn't agree more. Best season since season 1.

    This show has such wonderful nuance that it's hard to call anyone a "monster" or blame anyone without some understanding and misgiving. But, for me, Kevin and his parents come the closest to it. They are so cold, so success-driven, so out for themselves. (And yes, the show has given us some insight as to why they are

    I love this show with heart and soul, but this episode's format simply did not work. The interviews took the viewer out of the story, again and again, and felt too didactic—-like we were being clobbered over the head with "lessons" that the story itself was imparting quite well. Viewers and the issues themselves would

    I agree!

    Very much worth it! It was a great season.

    Too damn bad.

    Yup. I'm watching this show like a train wreck. Time to put it out of its misery. The line about not knowing if she liked her children rang particularly false as those kids are, for the most part, pretty fine human beings.

    I agree. I loved the speedy transition from BDSM to "oh, let's just watch TV and have some ice cream," like any boring, companionable couple.

    I can't believe all the quality actors who are involved in this show. I guess it's fun and you make a lot of money?

    "Being a billionaire, it's like being a woman with a perfect pair of tits." Axelrod lustfully to Wendy (referring, obviously, to Wendy's body), followed by something about great legs, a "perfect rise" or some such shit.

    Same here, because of my lady-crush.

    df81 either didn't watch the documentary or didn't comprehend it, because this was a major point!

    Kratz has been utterly discredited. The way he handled these cases should get him disbarred for life.