
@avclub-bc011d00bcc91da3b8b3cb43ca0bcd73:disqus It's good that you know your limits, in terms of how much sex you should be having before crossing the line into promiscuity.  Hopefully, you aren't inflicting that line on other people.

"You say something romantic."  
"Cool shirt."  
"Aww.  Can I see your room?"  
"Well, I didn't clean it for me."


@avclub-bc011d00bcc91da3b8b3cb43ca0bcd73:disqus Usually, when someone calls a woman a slut it's a guy who's been hurt or a girl who's trying to take another girl down a peg.  If one feels they're a slut, that's a totally different issue, a problem that only they can resolve, but slut-shaming is shittier behavior than

Yeah, what a weirdly narcissistic and untrue observation.

Yeah, what a weirdly narcissistic and untrue observation.

While I relate to your predicament, watching it at 2x speed seems like you're kind of asking to not enjoy it.  Honestly, I'll probably watch the remainder of the series in 5 or 10 years, and I'll be less bitter about all this bullshit.  The most recent episode WAS really great, though.

While I relate to your predicament, watching it at 2x speed seems like you're kind of asking to not enjoy it.  Honestly, I'll probably watch the remainder of the series in 5 or 10 years, and I'll be less bitter about all this bullshit.  The most recent episode WAS really great, though.

Winterweizen is coming.

Winterweizen is coming.

@avclub-b31df16a88ce00fed951f24b46e08649:disqus Because nothing is sexier than horse racing innuendo!  Out of morbid curiosity, I actually read some of the Amazon preview of this Infrared novel.  She's not really a bad writer, which really makes me wonder what she was thinking with this passage.  Based on this alone,

@avclub-b31df16a88ce00fed951f24b46e08649:disqus Because nothing is sexier than horse racing innuendo!  Out of morbid curiosity, I actually read some of the Amazon preview of this Infrared novel.  She's not really a bad writer, which really makes me wonder what she was thinking with this passage.  Based on this alone,

Yeah, this is too bad to really be worth anyone's time to bother calling bad, especially considering her competition was Tom Wolfe and presumably other mostly solid writers.

Yeah, this is too bad to really be worth anyone's time to bother calling bad, especially considering her competition was Tom Wolfe and presumably other mostly solid writers.

Even though @avclub-f3165be83d2dd835403b494eb7185ce2:disqus is obviously an old white guy who still loves his mohawk, he makes a very compelling point.

Even though @avclub-f3165be83d2dd835403b494eb7185ce2:disqus is obviously an old white guy who still loves his mohawk, he makes a very compelling point.

He's one outrageous dude.

He's one outrageous dude.

That was pretty great, especially the link to the Night at the Roxbury interview from 1998.

That was pretty great, especially the link to the Night at the Roxbury interview from 1998.