
Ah, you know, I was totally on board with the hating on the old dude liking a younger girl early on in the episode, when he almost kissed her.  I assumed he knew her whole deal from the beginning and didn't give a shit… but I think the thing you guys are missing is that he developed feelings while he was under the

Ah, you know, I was totally on board with the hating on the old dude liking a younger girl early on in the episode, when he almost kissed her.  I assumed he knew her whole deal from the beginning and didn't give a shit… but I think the thing you guys are missing is that he developed feelings while he was under the

I don't really think it's hypocrisy, necessarily.  It's definitely understandable why someone would think that, though.  But to give up possessions you don't have to give up objects you appreciate.  You just have to give up the attachment to those objects that creates strife at their loss, which I'm guessing is what

I don't really think it's hypocrisy, necessarily.  It's definitely understandable why someone would think that, though.  But to give up possessions you don't have to give up objects you appreciate.  You just have to give up the attachment to those objects that creates strife at their loss, which I'm guessing is what

Art is art, whether it's brilliant or derivative or interesting or boring or whatever.  I hate the whole idea that people have that something is only art if it's good.  It's something people who sell art say, not people who create it.  I think the more interesting and relevant-to-your-point response, though, is that

Art is art, whether it's brilliant or derivative or interesting or boring or whatever.  I hate the whole idea that people have that something is only art if it's good.  It's something people who sell art say, not people who create it.  I think the more interesting and relevant-to-your-point response, though, is that

I've heard interviews where Cooper comes off as pretty articulate.  Granted, that's him, not his ability to act, but.. He doesn't strike me as the pretty but dumb type at all.  Kind of surprised I seem to be alone in this, actually.

Yeah, I thought it was an Animal Planet show or something until it was cancelled and people were upset.

Yeah, I thought it was an Animal Planet show or something until it was cancelled and people were upset.

I just kinda want to steal their lunch money.  Not that I would ever download illegally.  No, sir.

I just kinda want to steal their lunch money.  Not that I would ever download illegally.  No, sir.

Even had his plan gone exactly according to plan, he still would've been even MORE triumphant if he'd just walked in with David Wallace.. and Andy needed that moment, honestly.  But at least Gabe got to say the "How the mediocre have fallen" line because of it.

How do we know Mose is gone from the spinoff?  It was cited in Stray
Observations and here, but I must've missed it.

I was at least a little entertained by the Jesus killers, the sodomites, and the blood drinkers of Jack Chick fiction, too.  But I totally agree that the most accessible entertainment in Chick tracts has always been the evil witch trying to tempt you to play Dungeons and Dragons.

I kinda dig it.  It's just a different sort of crazy.  Still wildly entertaining.  At least Brutal Planet.  I never listened to the other one, Dragontown or something.

Okay, yes, but Do the Right Thing, but… David Benioff.  No, seriously, Do the Right Thing was a great movie.  But, still, David Benioff.

Yeah, totally interesting.  It's a good book, really, but like anything, you only get what you bring to it.  While guys who wander around trying to be PUAs are admittedly lame, so are guys who whine about girls only liking assholes or (almost as bad but not quite) proudly announce that if a girl doesn't like them for

I object to such an inflammatory use of the word hysteria, you dirty cunt.

I think it's pretty refreshing to see a show in which people act how they actually act.  Granted, they're caricatures.  But the opposite extreme is you.  Most people are somewhere in the middle.

Maybe not the only place on the internet where anyone would notice, but certainly the only place where EVERYONE would notice.