Captain Positive

that's cool. but soon … you will be one of us. Oh yes, you will be one of us.

she was in Rome. that's all I know her from.

maybe 3 at the least? just to give time for all these moving pieces to slowly coalesce.

Thanks! I needed that.

I admire your resolve in not tearing through BB as quickly as possible. :-)

People make good points about the Lydia cameo (so far) not meaning anything, but when I saw her, I gasped vociferously on my couch!!

you know what new SW movies need? More super weapons capable of destroying planets!

I LOVE these details from future episodes! Thanks!

see: lawyers

I did a second re-watch recently on BB. you will NOT regret it. just as good if not even better on a repeat watch because you pick up on so many things.

(fist bump which slowly transforms into a bro-hug)

Well if you haven't seen BB and are interested in these characters, you are in for a huge treat. BB moves at a lightning-fast pace compared to BCS.

Bingo. Good catch! And now, I want to do another BB re-watch.

"Does anyone else find Hayley Homles strangely attractive?"

The Mike stuff was mostly set-up parts, but yeah.

huh. interesting.

I see what you did there. That would rock.

oh okay. I had just seen BB all the way through twice and was wondering why I couldn't remember if Nacho was in it. I was 90% sure he was not.

Yep it was him. I guess we could talk about what happens to him, but BB spoilers.

by the author you mean Vince Gilligan?