
That was lunch. Bologna on white bread with yellow mustard. But mustard twice on the same day leads to heartburn. Last night he had the chicken. So that is out. He had a baked potato last night with the chicken. The beef comes with mashed potatoes. But the pork comes with roasted potatoes.

It was pretty much the late 80s that South Korea that South Korea got itself back together. The 88 Summer Olympics in Seoul had rampant corruption.

Yep. Finnish is totally different. It is closer to Hungarian and Estonian. They are also not Scandinavian and take slight offense if you say they are.

Finland is always the leader.

But not backwards.

Whenever they mention Pence is on a trip somewhere, I always picture him as a middle aged man on one of them 3 countries in 9 days bus tours. I just picture him sitting on a bus looking out the window trying to decide if he should have beef or pork for dinner that night.

He firmly and clearly announced a plan to move forward in Afghanistan, not backwards and always twirling.

Thanks for that. I am going.to try that. I am a fairly good cook. But the one food that always gives me problems is potatoes. It is so strange.

"But today, outside of pockets in Louisiana and Pennsylvania,"

To paraphrase Hank Hill, that teacher does not make school cooler, he is making rap worse.

It turned out to be the thing all of the trailers for the movie made it look like and what you were expecting 30 seconds after the movie started.

Grillo-Marxauch said that the project was really close to happening last year.


(Translated by Bing.)

My wife and I are still at the phase where we both stare at the floor when it comes on. I can't wait for us to get comfortable enough to make fun of it

The extra "F" is for "Fun"!

We call it the remainder. It's the number that remains.

ELO's Living Thing. Just like that commercial with the inflatable gorilla floating away.

I miss the days of Tomato troll being the top comment on half of the stories on Gawker each day.

If there is one thing I have learned about doing mushrooms, it is always to save my receipts.