
Mean Machine is a damn fine song.

This article warmed me up to the kinja crossover more than the "Let's Talk About the Kinja Crossover" article did.

To Soon.

What is the feeling among Koreans? Do they feel that South Korea would be attacked? I have always heard that Japan would probably be bombed before South Korea. But that was under Kim Jong Il.

Bio Dome.

And Vince Foster.

No worries, mate.

Do it again!

Man. You really stink at this.

They need to assign a True Detective.

That is why I get my news from the girl from the bus.

Sounds like you are giving him a participation trophy for all his "trying ".

Kind of like how Trump is in over his head.

If you really thought the hackers had access to every thing they claimed, then Dream On.

What has Trump done in 7 months to slow down the North Korean nuke program?

So why did he fire Preibus?

You mean the Chief of Staff he hired two weeks ago because a CNN talking head told him to fire his original hire.


So you want the American President to trust that Kim Jong Un won't use the nuclear warhead?

I am sure the state run media in North Korea will have a field day editting that clip. It is going to be bigger than TaTu's "All the Things She Said." That will be on greatest hits soundtrack for the next 30 years.