
Andrea has had a thing for the hidden darkness guys since Vic Mackey

Andrea has had a thing for the hidden darkness guys since Vic Mackey

Seems like S.Earl knew the series had potential, but for personal reasons he's not going to get into, sold his share of comics, and accepted a buyout on Ebay for $200 (which was a lot of money for him back then). Care to guess what they're worth now?

Seems like S.Earl knew the series had potential, but for personal reasons he's not going to get into, sold his share of comics, and accepted a buyout on Ebay for $200 (which was a lot of money for him back then). Care to guess what they're worth now?

Yeah, the guardsmen thing seemed odd? Unless he automatically assumes that all serving Military will use bullshit rules to 'legally' usurp him/ snatch yo' shit.

Yeah, the guardsmen thing seemed odd? Unless he automatically assumes that all serving Military will use bullshit rules to 'legally' usurp him/ snatch yo' shit.

Unfortunately the show insists we must love Annie and all she does, making her ever more annoying.

Unfortunately the show insists we must love Annie and all she does, making her ever more annoying.

He was the injured seal (without the yellow bow tie).

He was the injured seal (without the yellow bow tie).

More lines for Ronnie Gardocki, please.

More lines for Ronnie Gardocki, please.

Will this be renewed?

Will this be renewed?

Peeved? I thought it was a look of confusion and dull suprise. Personal highlights included her delayed reaction to maggie saying she had had her artery cut, and her producing a muffled scream before the tape was applied to her facehole. Good lord, if only that could be a permanent fixture. She makes the eldest

Peeved? I thought it was a look of confusion and dull suprise. Personal highlights included her delayed reaction to maggie saying she had had her artery cut, and her producing a muffled scream before the tape was applied to her facehole. Good lord, if only that could be a permanent fixture. She makes the eldest

Oh hey Dai, got some lines bro? "We ride together till we die together, you are a true wildchild of the night, this is forever night". Between that and Tom describing this as a suicide mission with a tiny squad, better be vigilant.

Oh hey Dai, got some lines bro? "We ride together till we die together, you are a true wildchild of the night, this is forever night". Between that and Tom describing this as a suicide mission with a tiny squad, better be vigilant.

Dai will learn to play piano chords using the timing of the rythmic pains he suffers. This will be used to save them all, in time.

Dai will learn to play piano chords using the timing of the rythmic pains he suffers. This will be used to save them all, in time.