MYOF Prime: Corruption
MYOF Prime: Corruption
I bet it helps
To be a Kennedy and be married to Ah-nold.
As my mom told me when I was just a boy…
Bitches are cunts.
What's the craziest thing the AV Club has ever done in bed?
AV Club talking shit!
I can't believ e you
bend your words like Uri Geller's spoons.
Thank you sir! It's truly an honor and a privelige!
Kristen Bell/Where Worlds Collide
So the TV section of the AV Club is where holier than thou hipsters and lightsaber humping douchbaggery meet head on.
Fair enough. Maybe if the characters were interesting I wouldn't be directing my anger on what I see as forced diversity. And look, there is nothing wrong with that. It's true and annoying that most shows have one "token black guy"
I had Oink…
until they kicked me off because my upload ratio was off.
When they did that on Lost they really, really got my confidence back. Especially the whole bait and switch thing…you know acting like it was an episode devoted fully to the characters you hate, only to give them horrible, slow deaths!
Nikki and Paolo
I'm sitting here daydreaming that Tim Kring is going to pull a "Lost" and just kill off the copycat, the mexican siblings, and every other annoying plot thread in one fell swoop and get down to business…
I couldn't disagree with this review more.