Michiel de Groot

God, this show is gorgeous.

I suppose so. I do remember being annoyed at the Wickie the Viking or Magic School Bus (and later Dragonball Z and Pokemon) restarting their first season again, but I'd watch it anyway.

Just saying the magic words of "Mars Needs Moms" freezes it right up again every time.

What is it with Gravity Falls? Is it something strictly American? Is it the timezones? Can I not fathom its airing schedule because it's done in Fahrenheit, inches, pounds, and gallons?

Yes, I already knew Mikkelsen to be fantastic, but Dancy was new to me.

I really like Ratatouille, but the concept is always just a little too weird for me to rank it as Pixar's best. Minor gripe, though, in a movie that has no bad characters whatsoever (special mention to Anton Ego, who is magnificent), and has one of the most gorgeous renditions of Paris ever.

@Kumagoro:disqus - Hah, no. I'm European, so it's the first chance I get to watch it.

@MosquitoControl:disqus  - Woops! Fair enough. I guess I don't agree with him being a crappy villain, though.

Sorry, I'm the master of these, and I'm currently not accepting new pupils.

I'd argue that it's not exactly a superpower but a visual way of showing his thought process (which involves putting himself in the killer's shoes) after examining the evidence, in the same way Sherlock visualizes deduction in a way bordering on magic.

@avclub-30016cd5b9045be8de99ad5f1cbfd9af:disqus , that is what it felt like for a lot of people initially (the first episode's comments are full of it). The procedural elements are pretty much gone at this point, too.

I am downloading these, and I can't even imagine what the show must be like with commercial breaks. In the downloads, the gigantic ads for "AMERICA'S MOST CRAZY LOGDANCING" and "STUPID KIDS IN COLOURED TEES" or whatever the hell the advertisement at the bottom is stays on and it's really glaring, especially in the

Does anyone feel that "A Royal Affair" sells the movie short? It was my favourite movie of last year (tied with No), butit's such a pun-like silly title that made me sort of underestimate how serious (and great) the movie was.

I think both this and Miriam Lass's murders are content for future seasons. No way they're done with them.

"Oddly"? The entire film was based around misplaced nostalgia and being stuck in the past - the villain was not only a childhood hero of Carl, but also was himself completely stuck (quite literally, in the jungle). The difference between him and Carl was that Carl was able to move past his history.


Surely there's better books to prove that though?

Does that make Christian Grey the Man of Steele?

This is probably the thing that sometimes really frustrates me about the A.V. Club, but hey, fifteen pages of snark are fun, too.