Michiel de Groot

Those police officers were so obviously redshirts that it was clear what was going to happen from the moment they were shown, which kind of bothered me. Also, you're armed officers going into a possible psychopaths lair, come on, at least try to care!

"Hannigram". Amazing.


And they repeated this feat in Enterprise, too - except Anthony Montgomery's Travis Mayweather is just completely written out of everything.

Right, fair enough. I guess I just mostly relished in Picardo being on screen instead of anyone else, which seemed to happen a lot in Voyager.

Yes! I like Roxann Dawson a lot, particularly because she was the director of the better Enterprise and Voyager episodes.

"but no Star Trek character who isn't played by Avery Brooks should sing" - why not, exactly? Robert Picardo is a trained singer, and having it as a hobby was perfectly believable. 

Yeah, I always thought he was great in the role, but he gets.. nothing to do except playing the butt of all jokes and/or the straight man? C'mon.

What does that have to do with this at all?

Nope. Who likes hype from other countries in the world, anyway.

His final scene in the Hour was one of my favourite scenes of… anything, ever, pretty much. It is really something.

Quentyn-centric episode!

Yeah, I hope so - although at this point, there have been so many fantastic actors doing great work with the most minor of characters that I really want all of them to stay on, which clearly isn't going to happen.

Probably the shotgun approach.

I have to express my thanks to the great commenters of the AV Club for making me wait each episode for the "Next week on Mad Men" segment. It's pure art, and I laugh every time.

No-one told them it was a bad thing to be "out of Luck"

I agree, I like saying hello to Jason Isaacs.

Yes, but surely he can't have someone stalking him?