Michiel de Groot

Wow, this reflects my own thoughts really well. I loved Stoll and his character easily the most, and thought episode eight was the best one of the bunch, and yes, it had a lot of problems. I have to say I liked the entire thing a little more, though: B+ for me.

I'd love for Corey Stoll to get a nomination out of this.

It's still very much worth watching

That's rad - the script is by the amazing Emma Thompson, too, so this all sounds pretty great.

Spacey can sell pretty much anything - if anyone cannot sell those lines, it's the writers.

Mad Men was always a good show, but this year it's going to be pryceless.

It's generally pretty cold here, but it's different for Australians.

I wish disliking was possible

That was the most boring Legend of Zelda I ever played


Did you write that yourself, Ken? You should start doing that professionally.

The thing that annoyed me most about Enterprise is that it had the gall to be terrible for most of its run, become actually pretty promising near the end, hired Jeffrey Combs, and THEN it had to be cancelled.


I would watch Jason Statham as Ben Hur, no kidding

James Cromwell is American? Blew my mind.

I really disliked Mr Fox, but really like Moonrise.

They usually reply if you write them

Thanks, random guy on the internet with vague non-source comment, I'll pass it on to the Writer's Guild.

Wait, is having an Arabic name a legitimate reason to hate something now?

Oh, I don't think he came off much more as a GOOD person than last season, but at least as an actual person. Most of his "nice" actions in season 2 were generally driven by him being forced to, not because of his nature. But they gave him a little more depth past the government bogeyman character that he was in season