Michiel de Groot

Why would you do that

Skeletons, if you can get hold of it, is pretty great as well.

Hmm.. no, sorry. Please cut to it, like, five more times.

Considering the next episode is called "Two Birds", you might actually be right.

Terrific use of Bohemian Rhapsody here, made the whole episode seem even more eerie than it already was.

Hey, don't forget the Penguin episode. It fit right between the pilot and this one.

Or it's the following day (do they even have calendars?)

Yes, I was a bit wary of the change of making Arya a cupbearer instead of a kitchen help (I thought that it would make her seem less the invisible, identity-changing girl), but Maisie Williams and Charles Dance are such a treat to watch together.

Starring Littlefinger as Moist and Margaery as Adora.

Remember that this isn't an adaptation of A Clash of Kings, it's an adaptation of A Song Of Ice and Fire, divided into seasons. They could as well have Theon be in Winterfell for a few more episodes, and introduce Ramsay next season (though I doubt that).

Even for a man who loves his leeches, he has been in Robb's war camp in all scenes so far, so unless he got a leechkeeper servant with him (who teaches them little tricks, like jumping through hoops), it would be pretty weird for him to get leeched here.

Coal, I just whispered those words in my room alone at 3 am; what are you doing to me

I think Laura Innes is pretty great actually, and makes the conspiracy scenes very bearable and her character ambiguous on what she wants.

Agreed, the psychiatrists are really fun to watch and their existence shows the possibilities of the premise of the show with an elegant ease. The fact that they're absent shows that the show is falling back into boring storylines which don't take advantage of that.

Haha the evidence guy plays video games, that's hilarious.

Man, and it probably was my favourite series in years, as well. I was hoping it would go down as "that magnificent show that got cancelled", instead of "that show that killed horses and cost $35 million", but hey, who cares about the thing itself when you can gloat at HBO.

We should get him a donkey. You know, a plush one, with a loose tail?

I just hope this doesn't mean they're combining her with the Queen of Thorns (instead, show her as her influence! yes!)

Doesn't Xaro propose marriage to Daenerys in the book, as well? Remember that marriage doesn't have the same implications in the GoT world as it does here - just look at Renly, or how devastated people are by Robb's decision.

In this very episode, Rex steps into the car with Emma to talk, implying that she can drive (and I think Rex is supposed to be the same age), so 16 or 17 seems about right. If I were a parent, I think I wouldn't be too riled up about the sex, but wowah pregnancy? The reaction seemed incredibly tame.