
At least Youppi still has a job.

Very true. But they seemingly almost all agree that they want their Nordiques back.

Come now, everyone knows the only reason to read a local paper in Florida is to laugh at the crime blotter.

Quebec wants to leave Canada, so no.

Yeah, Elmer's actually runs ads with directions on how to make it.

Yeah, the money from the monthly Harry Potter Weekends on FreeForm will keep him comfortably middle class.

Last Stand did a good bit of damage to it, and Origins was just dreck. But DOFP did a lot to restore my hope … and then promptly shattered it and proceeded to dance upon the shards.

I'm in the office, so I can't actually watch the video without fear of instant termination. Is he still hawking Big Berkey Water Filters and Wise Food Storage? Lear Capital's gold IRA?

Anytime there is any sort of specious medical science quoted, it's almost always tied back to a chiropracter. Doesn't matter if it's an enlarged prostate, autism, Crohn's Disease or fucking cancer.

As if Apocalypse didn't completely kill my love for this franchise, I read this shit …

There was a Bailey. He was the drunk in the family.

And I feel fine.

Back in the day (2000 or there abouts), my student loan administrator used "Steal My Sunshine" as their hold music. I grew numb to it after being stuck on hold for half an hour trying to consolidate my loans.

Yeah, she was *40* when "Mickey" was released and was fucking killer in the video.

If we're judging by non-meat content, then it's safe to say most school and prison cafeterias have been doing the same.

Applebee's already does this, except with onions and relish and bacon. I don't mind the bacon so much, but I'm not a fan of the onions and relish.

I generally can't stand them, but they've actually gotten nastier lately. Also, they had a really good jab at Florida not too long ago.

He's really not though. He is literally the definition of "nouveau riche". He doesn't have the breeding, the innovative mind or the tech-guru amounts of money to say "fuck y'all, I do what I want" so he is effectively aping (again, in the literal sense) what he views the monied class doing and dressing and ordering

And G's son on HLOTS.

Yes, it's an American Fox version and it's beyond pointless.