Who Cares I Just Watch TV

In Chicago, they put the ketchup on *top* of the Kraft singles

I prey it works out for you.

Takes a lot of pride to make that bad a pun and not second-guess yourself.

Its, Sam.

True American

that costume better have a zipper or everybody'll be dead before she's finished with all those buckles

Best of luck!

Oh, but you will — because, you see, you MUST.

for me it was "Episode III: The Return of Giuseppi" followed closely by Jamba the Hump

I wouldn't recognize Michael Bloomberg if he bought me a soda.

I just loved the first sketch so much, only the morgue truly lived up to it. The mirror maze was gorgeous but the joke was too weak to live up to it. Drugs was a good joke but too long a build-up. I downright cackled at the Obamacare patient getting so furious, but that first skit felt so real, and so regular-episode

I've actually been enjoying this season for what they've been able to muster. Tonight, though… this might be the first episode of the League that hasn't gotten a single laugh out of me.

They should have given her something more like Thea's new 'do.

BMO hadn't gotten that far into the magazine. If he'd flipped the page, he'd have learned how to start a stopped heart: 1. Focus Chi 2. Restart the heart.

yeah they'll just pull off to a citgo around asheville OH WAIT

this week's was to do with an art theft and forgery. it bugs me SO MUCH that they use closing tags at the beginning of the show like so: </scorpion> instead of at the end. the "hey, let's look nerdy and catch that demographic" thing kind of makes me want to stop watching it, but i have to admit it's kind of a fun show.

oh snap! i totally forgot about that.

and wasn't that very riddle in the pilot? it's like, come up with a single new riddle, writers. there are literal books written of them.

he used an alias, something like peter thornton

Darabont developed the series and cast both Melissa McBride and Laurie Holden because he'd worked with them both before.