
Have you ever even been on a plane you piece of shit?

This was one of my favorite lines of any season. Also, I thought double crossers was fantastic. Eps 2 and 3 were the only ones I didn't find hysterical. I am gonna give up on Lindsay's but ep 2 might grow on me.

How hot is Nate? I feel like he dates below his talent level. Thoughts?

Y'all are crayzo. "I have lupus" was great. GOB crushing mikes hards was hilarious. Large birds are ALWAYS funny. I thought it was pretty funny for a trailer and had a good mix of callbacks which is what AD has focused on since ep 1

I wish we had more Shanghai Knights movies. Those things are the sluttiest.

I wish Danny Glover was in this. I still want to see it, but hey a girl can wish right?

Alias is a show about a spy!

Any one know when the 3rd night at the museum comes out?

She be trying to get Emily…Fillmored! $ :-P !

Six Feet Under's final John was pretty dope. Agree w/ Calvin n Hobbes, Zevon, n Cash. Cool Hand Luke's Railing against god final scene is money as well.