
This was the first episode I've watched and I actually quite liked it. If this is the worst they've done so far, the other episodes must be fucking astronomical.

It also makes it awkward to write Awkward. in a sentence. I've been avoiding writing it at the end of the sentence because I never know how many periods to deploy.

It also makes it awkward to write Awkward. in a sentence. I've been avoiding writing it at the end of the sentence because I never know how many periods to deploy.

I love how everyone was repeating "same old"
for half the video as if to convince the viewers everything would be the same via post hypnotic suggestion.

I love how everyone was repeating "same old"
for half the video as if to convince the viewers everything would be the same via post hypnotic suggestion.

This show has an interesting way of doing something obvious and then following it up with something surprising. No matter how familiar the tropes are, I'm always surprised with the conclusion they come to.

This show has an interesting way of doing something obvious and then following it up with something surprising. No matter how familiar the tropes are, I'm always surprised with the conclusion they come to.

I, too, was crestfallen when AHS was renewed for another season.

I, too, was crestfallen when AHS was renewed for another season.

They're like lawyers, except not as likeable.

They're like lawyers, except not as likeable.



To each his own.

To each his own.

Now she don't got them thaaaaangs…

Now she don't got them thaaaaangs…

Oh, deff. Like Happy Endings, despite being consistently funnier than Modern Family, it's really underrated.

Oh, deff. Like Happy Endings, despite being consistently funnier than Modern Family, it's really underrated.

Well, clearly the only solution is to cancel it and give the budget to Happy Endings.