Screaming Yellow Zonker Harris

Wait, did sconn get a job at AV Club?

Coming sooner: "Lobster Thermidor Aux Crevettes With A Mornay Sauce Garnished With Truffle Pâté, Brandy And With A Fried Egg On Top And Spam."


Meanwhile, Lobsters1 secretly has a big drooling hard-on for David Wain.

No idea what happened with the link. I must have copied it from a secondary source, an RSS feed or something.

Very late, but I wanted to drop this in here:

Not to mention the entirety of Vertigo . . .

I'll have a zombie, please. And keep bringing them until I turn into one. [clink-clink]


Jean-Luc, totally agree with you about the Reeves-Stevens Trek novels. Federation was excellent. Even better was Prime Directive, which is still my favorite of all the Trek novels I read back in the day—and the only one of them to make me choke up at the end. It's simply a damned good book.

I prefer beetles. They're more popular than cheeses.

Not a bit. I'm guessing Andy K was between shoots on B5 so he didn't have a lot of time. :)

I was just going over the TV Tropes entry on it yesterday and thinking the same thing, oddly enough. It's a small internet.

There were subsequent movies?

That's what Frakes implied last week . . .

I loved Tomolak's appearance in this . . . the old criminal.

The comment has now been completed in an entirely different style at great expense and at the last minute.

Not really, their tits look the same.

Well played, sir. Well played indeed.

Hey now, Denise Crosby wasn't all that bad!