
yeah thats right Bender got the comeback goin. best step off my boy y'all

Really? Whats the point of people on here pointing out potential spoilers when the article itself is just that. lol kinda not really any point. Besides if ya haven't seen the series by now I say don't read the articles.

lol kinda put your foot in your mouth on that one huh?

he got my vote
So how many people on here decided to gice the man a shot and vote for him today? I did.

@Bender Bukowski: huh? Ok I'm confused. What does Uncle Ruckus have to do with Mr. McMillans campaign???? @_@


hell I voted for him.

All in all it looks pretty cool but its not a unique idea. Remember back to the original Playstation days and you should remember a really great first personish megaman. Megaman Legends completely changing the way megaman was known till then.

well lets face it the legalization of marijuana could do more good than bad. Besides a good 2/3 the nation smokes it one way or another. I say commercialize it and tax the fuck out of it. Big tobacco could sell it. Before long you would see 5 packaged joints labeled Marborojuana Yukon blend and so on.

@Bill Reed Very well.
Cake or death?

@edked well Lobo is pretty much DC's version of Wolverine


@James T. Loveseat I'm not a bot, simply pointing out convenience. You guys wait a week just to watch one episode of each with commercials to boot. all I'm saying is since its available its like owning all the box sets in your home. You could be blasting through like 4 episodes of each per day, personal schedule

he is a FAG!!!

both series in there entirety are available right now on the instant view section. Why wait and watch them on TV.

They Need a upgrade to FF VI!!!!
Other than VII that was my favorite game. Besides they already upgraded III, IV, and V on the DS come on already!!!

yeah i only see one person defending and he wasn't even defending so no andrew you got served sir. oh and the tomato prices never went up around here so you are wrong mr. HotCarl vs Godzilla and just because asain food scetches you out doesn't meen every one else so you too are wrong. good day.

WHAAA HAAAA Bender Bukowski AKA Andrew Kanninen Just got served lol

OK @ A. Salieri lol I'm only 29 BUT ensure does taste pretty darn good (Vanilla of course)
@Captain Rebound again 29 but even so I work from 2345 to 0800 so watching it is not hard at all heh.
@B Town uhhh just no. I'm a Deputy Sheriff and enjoy my job thank you.
@Andrew Kanninen lol easy there guy. but I do appreciate