
i dont like how the show is starting to make victoria likeable.  its like theyre trying to make her sympathetic and make the audience feel for her (with the backstory of how she loved someone else (the artist) but then ended up miserable in a loveless marriage to conrad, and then lost the other love of her life in

jane: she's like a bag of snakes!

the pilot isnt that good, but once you get past it the show is so worth it.  i agree with whoever suggested a happy endings b in apt 23 pairing. someone make this happen!

i'll meet you there. just need to pop into an au bon pain first to rub some dryer sheets on my pits and splash some water on my hush

hold up. did i miss something or did emily's whole plan of getting the heat/suspicion off jack rely on her knowing declan would recant in order to protect his own brother… but how did emily know declan would lie?  for all she knew, declan didn't know jack WAS actually there on the beach/the hoodie guy, so he might

lol the skylar comment.  she is the worst. least sexy singing ever.

wasnt there a bit where steve o squee-geed sweat off the fat guy while he was working out on a treadmill, then wrung the sweat rag out into a cup and then DRANK IT?!?!?!  uuugh need to excuse myself to vomit now

to me the most disturbing part of that scene was that he was going to BURN THE GUY ALIVE.  when he is pouring the gasoline over the cop's face and body and he is sputtering and spitting trying to breathe…

my favorite was when she moves from the dining room to a chair in the living room, with the cat on her lap, stroking it all sinister. brad and dave gasp and ask where she got that cat (bc thats what the viewer is thinking too, right?) and she quietly and innocently says "we're catsitting for the carters…i told you

What the hell does Sarah do for a living?!?!  Is she still at that bar or did she quit after she wrote that play about her family?  It bothers me sooo much that she doesn't have a job and just basically lives off her parents.  I understand you needed to get back on your feet after you left Seth and moved your kids

victoria definitely lied to conrad and said it was divorce papers, but i think she tricked him into signing away part of his company shares… thats why she held up that trade commission business card in that oh so subtle way tv shows do to give the audience info/clues bc they cant read minds

i thought the same thing when i read this review: that this had a situation similar to blindness, with lauren german standing in for julianne moore's character as the "moral compass."

no i think the show is going in the direction of a britta/troy thing at some point, since they clearly want annie and jeff to get together eventually

i think you mean bobby moynihan?  bobby cannavale is something else entirely different.

isn't she promoting the dvd release of crazy stupid love?

there is no way this should be an A-.  I'd give it a C- maaaaybe C.  The only funny sketch was the cecil bit, and only because of jason sedeikus.  however the hell you spell his name. too lazy to imdb that.

Best line: "Those beans were a reward!"

in terms of internet sensations for the cold open, i liked the parkour one the best.  "HARDCORE PARKOUR!"

i think the warehouse worker who got a ream of paper dropped on his head from 30 feet up is probably in worse shape than meredith.

yea libby also was the person who gave desmond the boat to sail around the world before he shipwrecked on the island. remember? she met him in a coffee shop and he mentioned he had wanted to do it to prove to his girlfriend's (penny)  father that he was good enough for her, and libby was like, oh take my dead