Lee Harvey Awesome

Come on silly, I live right in the middle of the south side of the blackest big city in America. It's not seeing black people that causes the fatigue. it's framing everything as victim/oppressor that causes the fatigue.

These are among the few people that I have some trust can make a movie that will induce the most amount of racial fatigue onto my brain.

Yes, I would decidedly NOT classify any of either of the Anderson's films in Pussification genre that's so pervasive in the current cinematic landscape. If there were just a few of these films over the last 10-15 years I'd give it a pass but there are whooooole lot of them. It's a THING without a doubt. For the

Isn't this just the Pussification of America translated to the big screen? I mean, I get it and it's not always terrible but it is usually bullshit. That motherfucking character Stiller played in GREENBERG was one of the the most unlikable character I've ever seen on a screen. Big head, tiny body, fucking middle-aged

I guess I can just stop writing the script I'm working on because lots of A-rabs of the radical and extremist sort get blown the fuck up.

I guess the script I'm writing would never fly cause lots of A-rabs of the radical and extremist variety get blown the fuck up.

Nic Cage.


I just listened to this in my cube after fifteen coffees and damned if it didn't scramble my fucking eggs.

Some of my greatest non-memories were morning benders. Enjoy yours.

Oh. My bad….

Great songwriter. Terrible firstie.

only to ultimatley never, ever make the movie…

Yeah Terry1!!!!

Well, for whatever reason I don't choose to tune into Conan nearly as much as I used to. And I used to tune in as much as possible. Um, it's just not as good.

William Burroughs gravesite in Saint Louis. The house in New Olreans where Clay Shaw was arrested by Jim Garrison and, most importantly, the friggin' apartment Lee Harvey Oswald rented on Magazine Street in New Orleans. I was IN it.

I am declaring…
The Kindle dead. Stillborn, actually.

really i just want to watch jerry lundegaard masturabate i guess…

This is better
I'd love to see H.I . McDonough and Jerry Lundegaard and Ulysses Everett McGill all get together to watch porn and drink beer and plan a bank heist.

Go suck on one.