
Aww, don't all children have cheeks and all mothers spittle to wipe them tenderly? Who could have forgotten the odor of Mother's saliva on the tissue paper that school morning in the squat hollow right in front of all the other school mates, as if they all were members of the League of Nations and you were only the

I am afraid I could not answer to your deep suffering. Yet it is also true that from my earlier years there was something else going on inside me than vague aspirations to make a name for myself and maybe even save this world in the process, thereby quickening the process of becoming a great lover before whom

Ahh the survivor from the days of Lloyd-Georgian chicanery, yes? with the gawddamned rubicund face and bright buzzing eyes, expected to turn out some little reactionary editorial homily to avail himself of the good offices of some kindred organization in order to spout that "Fascism is not all dead, I found it in my

Wasn't it all for Western youth to always dreamed up its own dissolution by depreciating and deprecating all its values out of a rather dubious source like that of "the universal nostalgia of the departing summer (-Fitzgerald)"? And all this, wonderfully enough, in the name of Liberation, effective everywhere in their

That's the gawddamned blight of Sweden: it vouchsafe imagination as a power through which we portray all images of all absent and present things; and both it and the thing that it worketh in be contained in the mind. It uses Troell and Bergman as the instruments of imagination so obedient unto the reason— to that

"I'm guessing the nearest Catholic school got the tuna fish sandwich mascot so they could still play on Fridays."

Of course even in little females, they are interested in nothing at all but what has to do with female burdens and needs, and the sacred fertility rich in liberty and pain: in arrested menses, gravid bodies, strange cravings, child-bed demarcations, solemn shrieks and writhings, tapping movements in the belly, sighs

"Um, I don't know what world you're living in, but he "joined those ranks" a long time ago. He's one of the greatest directors of all time."

Such is the aggrandizing, infantile, atavistic, destructive self-assertion of primitive vanity: though she prims herself as something viable, in that she may see herself pretty from many angles, but of course in the same appraisal a plastic modesty comes out to reveal a sculpted cast-iron jaw (conspicuous in all

Right, I reckon you are like the gawddamned chum upon which Fitzgerald generously described as "a flower from the morning's marriage hesitating in the mouth of a brass cuspidor" Correct me if I'm misinterpreting (if there is such a thing) that modern chums like you only seek out Christianity when it was intolerable

Merciless heaven, the parenthetical "while necessarily heterocentric" is now being used as a between-the-em-dashes emphasis to rationalize the necessary evil of, God-forbid, heterosexual tendencies. Of course now the usual complement of homosexuality, and its peripheral gags, has the principle aim of cashing in on the

Ha, the fuss, the groaning display. "…Except when it violates anyone's expression to love who they want", how nicely this evokes both the material exuberance and social polemics of the time. Assuming a societal department has now finally approved a deviant gesture so the gambler can now sound his long phlegmy

Am I wrong to say that you people have a tendency to wish for things with such force, and when you do have them you atrophied them? Often your backyards are places you people just throw to the dogs, or just a place for you people to throw your transient things in general. You people present the banality of everyday

Dear ole dear, the imperilled unity itself of not a wrong tendency even, but a false emphasis. Of course more than all the other Christianities, the Catholic Church is institutional. Her enemies too easily conclude that she is thereby incapacitated from all spiritual initiative, David in Saul's armor; as if "live and

"If you grow up in a family with really supportive parents, it's such a shock when you realize how many people aren't that lucky. …I immediately called my parents to thank them for being them."

It is indeed sad to see a youth lose his fondest hopes and dreams, when the rosy tulle through which he had looked upon the acts and feelings of men is torn aside before him, even though there is hope that he will replace his old delusions by new ones, no less fleeting but also not much sweeter. No wonder the heart

"I'd type it out, but I don't want to pay any royalties."

Dear, look, cheerful insecurity is what Our Lord asks of us, no? Believe me, the costly generosity of following Christ would make us happy here as well as hereafter, sans vital organs or not. Yes, "cheerful insecurity" sounds like a contradiction in terms; the desire to protect ourselves at all costs make insecurity

The main fault of your Superman— his true "Kryptonite" as you America-borned American acidites would put it— is that he was incurably self-conscious. THERE IS NO DEALING WITH ONE WHO IS AT ONCE UP IN THE CLOUDS AND SCRUPULOUS. But of course I am rather wayward to write about anyone's faults, much less of a rather

"They are something, aren't they?  I wonder how she lugs those around all the time.  She must have serious back issues."