For as many issues as we had and still have, I'm pretty sure that most Americans never really wanted to open Dachau in the United States. Come on man.
For as many issues as we had and still have, I'm pretty sure that most Americans never really wanted to open Dachau in the United States. Come on man.
Will she be wearing glasses to show that time had passed?
Oh great, I've gone cross eyed.
tree fucker, tree fucker, do you need assistance?
Will the gambit pay off? 20th Century Fox is betting …. it will.
If you can actual pin point the exact moment he stops caring. It happens around the time he pretends to be Scottish in Last Crusade.
*hits @WelcomeShaqKotter:disqus with a chair*
What's his name? Roy Cohn?
"Those drunken good for nothings? Never!" - My grandfather
About halfway through Vampires in the Lemon Grove.
Nixonland is fucking awesome. Love that book. Everyone should read it.
But what of the Irish?
add In The Garden of Beasts. Good read.
Needs more Hitler.
Most of Dany's plot can be condensed into:
"low grade fanfic"?
I like it.
It is going to be a total fake out with the children of the forest pulling a deus ex machina and spiriting the white walkers to another realm and then Martin shows up in the text and calls everyone nerds.