Delicious Malk


There better be tons of slow motion or what the fuck you even making this for.

It is just crazy enough to work!

I still think my favorite skit is when Dave Foley is a hitman who is contracted to kill himself.

What about the Season 6 one where Buffy gets stung by that demon and has a hallucination where she is committed for thinking she is the slayer?

Next you are going to show me he is an atheist too.

Cheney is the Judge? It all makes sense now.

Wings used to be all USA showed. Yes, I've seen every episode. I'm sad now.

Dick Cheney will never die. He will outlive us all and will probably be sitting quietly when the sun begins to die and envelopes the Earth.


Not Detroit that's for sure.

and add some time travel.


it is what we all came for!

There are eggs in his bed!

I hate you.

I will not have people disparage Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore. I won't.

wait what

America's greatest president?

come on, "I googled murder" is pretty good.