cool story Hansel.
cool story Hansel.
Vietnam is still angry about "Me Love You Long Time". Not to mention the uh you know, other stuff.
uh Arya continues to get more awesome and Sansa shapes up.
I think because he split what was supposed to be a giant book into two books and pushed all the major characters everyone loves to Dance With Dragons so people were annoyed.
Take your ass to the barber shop
What did you think of Feast of Crows?
Just finished The Tenth of December, which was great, but goddamn at some of those stories. Need to read some of his other collections.
Keep going, there are a few sections later on that are a slog (I'm looking at you section about flipping a mattress) but then you encounter genius sections like the film of the history of ONAN or Eschaton when you just can't put it down.
The Practice went off into la la land. Geez it got nutty fast.
I wish there was a Canadian bar in NYC. I would have loved that.
Curling is one of the main reasons I love the Winter Olympics now.
who wouldn't? WHO WOULDN'T?
We should all just sit down and watch Canadian Bacon.
The old man in black and white killed me.
them fighting words, except the comments about Rush.
yeah C for Carelessness.
I was hoping for a Niagara on the Lake call out.
I'm trying to be sympathetic, but holy crap is that tortured logic. I'm sorry that is no excuse.
I've tried to pinpoint where Central Perk was by the establishing shots. They switch it up too much.