in no particular order:
in no particular order:
would you guys be in need of an x-ray crystallographer in your post-apocalypse lab? i got that shit covered.
i *think* the episode you're referring to was reviewed last week. the death of the week was a guy who crashed his car 40 years ago driving off a cliff. nate, in his own shitty marriage, was following that guy's footsteps.
I've always loved Hart's ability to make a pop hook. Reading this review made me so happy - just glad he's still making music.
todd or whatever his name his shooting the little kid on the dirtbike after the perfect train heist….that was a gut punch if there ever was one.
A HUGE yes to get me away from here i'm dying. i love how the lyrics just kind of roll out - then there's the 'i could kill ya, sure, but i could only make you cry with these words' line at end….ugh. love it.
yeah, it really is out of the way. from what i remember of that area, it is unlikely to be able to hail a cab from the street, just nothing around. so you'd have to call. but this is a memory from going there once > 10 years ago.
We are considering going to this too - this list of bands is right in my strikezone, right down to Nude Beach, EXCEPT for the headliner. I don't much care for them.
watch the tour de france - their song is played on a beer commercial pretty much non-stop.
yeah she gets a pass for all of these….and when i'm on a road trip, i'll belt out 'say you love me' while driving.
very very seriously considering it. that line-up is right up my alley, enough to overcome my general disdain for music fests.
hi - i've only done this once but it turned out really good: i muddled a little bit of fresh ginger in with the mint.
you can see it starting on the cover of 'boxer'
only if he used @avclub-f41c98ac606e9b29fce2d59f71df434d:disqus instead.
warmer weather means mint is coming up in the garden, which of course means mojitos. muddle a bunch of mint in a spoonful of sugar, add juice from one lime, some of your favorite rum (i've been using malibu coconut rum) and top with club soda and ice.
i started swimming this winter after giving up running due to a back injury. i typically jump in the pool and go for an hour - mostly free style, some breast stroke, some back stroke, less butterfly. no flip turns.
da bulls won the championship tree times in a row, twice.
i completely agree. and nude beach too (II?)! i'm seriously considering ending my music fest boycott for this.
jimmy's definitely had its charm - copious local flavor, greasy cheeseburgers, free-flowing pitchers of old style, pinball, and roaches the size of my big toe.
I knew a guy at Jimmy's and the guy that was at the pub all the time, but I cannot for the life of me recall their names - just too long ago. I used to live right around the corner from jimmy's on kimbark - by the park, very convenient!