
That Radiohead's drummer 2010 solo offering, Phil something…


russia is racist, homophobic and sexist shithole which lags behind pregressive world 20 or maybe 30 years. weather is shit (summer's fine but it's just 3 months). the government is a bunch of criminals, thieves and cunts who should be fucking executed. I hate it all

It's a shite country, really shite. Few perks, far more perils

thanks, another word added to my dicitionary. cool

I can confirm this. pretty grim country to live in

the word 'law' means nothing in this country

Is Pushkin popular i nthe United States? I guess he's not as hyped as Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky and pretty niche thing over there?

Everything's a bit more complicated, I'm afraid

No, you can't, mate

They only have themselves to blame then. I know that people usually don't drink alcohol for no reason but there's not completely shitholish despair like it was in the mid 90s or something… Not drinking, not smoking and eating healthy is hardly difficult, people are just morons

Actually, they are going extinct nowadays but it's still one of the Russian national institutions yeah

What the hell are you talking about?

No, it doesn't. I guess you read The Grauniad too often.

Two stereotypes in one sentence, nicely done…


I remember watching TMNT episodes when I was in the first grade in the afternoon every week day on my local channel 'Ugra' (Югра) back in 2001. I used to go to the kitchen then, sit on the sofa and give a summary of the entire episode, basically talking to myself (there were no one at home at time, I'm not that

their drummer. I don't remember his name. phil something

lil wayne lil scwehine

go on