
If you think Real World is bad, look what is considered 'the golden' age of Russian MTV. Batshit insane live call-in show. 08.03.2001

for me it was Room Raiders and that trash about people on the beach making bets. and Boiling Point

The Essential Clash was my gateway to music along with the Cure, Smiths, Joy Division and Stone Roses. I still view these bands as the one Big Five although I don't listen to them very much now.

… sadly, they are trying to be a new rolling stone (in terms of influence they are now pretty comparable) but isn't it weird that in the tracks section you see a new Ciara track and then some expermimental etude from German violinist. Kind of weird

but it's basic motown formula, no? happy and upbeat melody with lyrics about heartbreaks and unrequited love

what a twat

have you listened to anthem today? are you a good american or bad one?

in soviet america, your mum is mine.. yes, she's mine, mine mine

yep, you're right

man, 2006 was such a great year. middle school was shite, of course, but it was a year when I first got the Internet and started to download mp3 songs (prior to that I was buying illegal VA compilations)I just remember that rainy early September day… Actually, 'SexyBack' was the first song I've ever download from the

Poor chap. I hope he's alright now

just thought it was interesting to see where I live, like… I wrote 'on the topic of rampant homophobia' because, as you know, Russia is strongly homophobic (and racist, and sexist) country (not sarcasm)

ON topic of rampant homophobia…
did you ever wonder what my street looks like. I bet you did. Google Street View released an update last month and even my 'Siberian shithole' is on that thing now! more than 70 biggest Russian cities are now covered.Look with your own eyes, I live in one of that five-storey apartment

Don't forget AlunaGeorge, all songs they released up to now are gold. Maybe Azealia Banks and Major Lazer will finally come up with new LPs, I hope. Oh, and Sky Ferreira. It looks like this year will be as amazing for pop music as was the previous

Of course, it's a well-known fact and all the fuss is basically about it because otherwise this story wouldn't interest anyone here apart from business news junkies

yes, I colmpletely forgot about the songs lists.. Stylus did this thing too. You can look up their 2003 and 2004 lists and almost all of the songs in them are chart hits http://www.stylusmagazine.c…
Not Gonna Get Us! lol. I doubt anyone remembers this song now.

Assless Chaps, Dunno, he seems like he didn't give a damn about respect. For women, for example. But I'm just joking, anyway

JudgeReinhold, yes, it was a main news story yesterday and the first story on TV and radio news buletins.

yeah, okay. it's a shame they don't write 'random' and weird reviews like that one anymore. even just to spice things up once in a while