Speedy Meat Cleavers

i've got to say . . .
i saw it when it came it in seoul a couple months ago, and it's really hard to deny how disappointing it is.

yeah, Letterman fucking sucks. certainly nothing is worse than Leno, but I'm surprised to see these A.V. Club articles making it seem like it's a difficult choice between him and Conan.

me like sentence
"Whether that depth and intimacy is necessary for a song like "Down By The River," which sounds like it was made for transistor radios, is another matter entirely."

yeah, it's from "thirst." i saw it in seoul last week.

"breaking bad" spoilers? i would have expected better from the a.v. club.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (remake)
I was terrified, especially of the dog with the man head.

please note:
high fructose corn syrup be damned!!!!!!!

in chicago he said he had played 63 shows in a row . . . a really lame response to some guy yelling, "that's a short fucking set!!" ha ha.

3rd policeman
hell yes on the flann o'brien.

7-11 joke
i kind of wish walter had yelled "SLAP INTO A SLIM JIM!!" at skylar, but the subtlety is probably better…