Great Random

Childhood diseases and accidents which have mostly been eliminated. In E. Nesbit's Edwardian era children's book _The Story of the Amulet_, the central characters time travel into the future. They are astonished not by the economic and social aspects, but by that culture's care to avoid burns, wounds and dangers which

"Sock it to *me*?"

It's uncanny!

Radio or book?

Why not both, if there isn't the distraction of the Net?

But there is something about ephemeral knowledge which stays with you. As with the old Ray Bradbury short story about the man after the fall of civilization  who recited old car names and breakfast cereals.

Nothing about Rudy Vallee?

Google says "Til Death Do Us Part."

I read IMDB some months ago and saw she was still living relatively independently in New York City. I feel that in itself is significant. Unlike so many other actors she lived as an adult, while continuing as a professional.

I loved Monty Python. I followed up by trying to see and read what they mentioned. I can't say I _understand_ Kierkegaard, but he's certainly served as a font of images.

Youtube, Youtube, Youtube! I'm going to watch it there later!

So _you_ wrote "The Searchers"!

Obviously my question is ignorant — I haven't seen this episode yet.

Why didn't Dick Loudon have a kid?

If you know a child care center with a VHS, send it along. They are more likely to see bad movies than good movies.

Too late.

My strength, and weakness, is that I see the Narnia series partially in terms of the life of C. S. Lewis. As with _The Magician's Nephew_ — it is impossible to unlearn that *Lewis had a mother who had cancer, and she died.* All the narrator says is that people die: and there are things worse than death.

Have you read _Til We Have Faces_?

"Other sheep I have which are not of this flock." How is the claim of other universes blasphemous?

We, as modern Western readers, don't understand genealogy. It is our loss, as much as those cultures which cannot understand maps.