
or one season of good show

The reviews of Mad Men use the word agency way too much. Its always competing agencies this, or advertising agencies that.

Remember when this show had a Magyver element to it fairly consistently?

Hey Ho. Let's go.

Is there a water level?

I don't see why not.

I think he should be having sex with sexy police women as well. Attach Michelle Rodriguez and we have a deal.

werd up

Maybe they should try making a show based on something cool like cops, lawyers, or doctors.

Thats true, but at a show someone could be convinced that the band wants to see they have support, and that could affect their performance.

I don't think that makes you a hypocrite. Wearing a band's t shirt to their show has always seemed to me like an honest non self centered thing to do. Its like its not always about you. Maybe you just want the band to see the support, if you wear the shirt you can get it signed.

Same thing with football. Its like, "hey I'm already at this game you already know I like the Giants."

You sir, are a prince amongst men.

Its only considered uncool by people who are already tragically uncool.

Speak for yourself.

Your life really is a whirlwind of excitement huh?

There is the bug on top of that building.

This thread is for coming up with a vehicle for Hulk Hogan. Imagine that you have a meeting with him tomorrow. What movie idea are you going to pitch?

Magi-who who?

I knew Jack Kennedy, you sir are no Jack Kennedy's ass kiss recipient.