
oh ok, can't wait. Let me know where it ends up in case I miss it.

oh ok, can't wait. Let me know where it ends up in case I miss it.

What the @#$@ was that article

What the @#$@ was that article

First of all if one DC superhero stays alive its Batman no question (no Question related pun intended). Do you just dislike DC and put way too much thought into this hateful fanboy thing or what?  I mean I'm a Marvel guy and I've wasted many hours of my life talking about how ridiculous the DC universe is, so I'm not

First of all if one DC superhero stays alive its Batman no question (no Question related pun intended). Do you just dislike DC and put way too much thought into this hateful fanboy thing or what?  I mean I'm a Marvel guy and I've wasted many hours of my life talking about how ridiculous the DC universe is, so I'm not

Is that the cheap Mexican version? Like Senior Spielbergo?

Is that the cheap Mexican version? Like Senior Spielbergo?

Too bad a live action dark knight returns is not likely. He'd be perfect.

Too bad a live action dark knight returns is not likely. He'd be perfect.

May of been an ok movie, but not a good or ok superhero movie. Fox does a great job of making D or C grade super hero movies. Shitty pizza is still pizza so people like them, but they are really just a waste. They never realized the potential behind X-men. They made a boring Sci Fi movie that was ashamed of its comic

May of been an ok movie, but not a good or ok superhero movie. Fox does a great job of making D or C grade super hero movies. Shitty pizza is still pizza so people like them, but they are really just a waste. They never realized the potential behind X-men. They made a boring Sci Fi movie that was ashamed of its comic

Men may not have as bad standards for "beauty", but there are lots of ways this kind of thing effects males too. At least Kirstie Alley has some people feeling bad for her while the Jason Alexanders of the world get to die alone. Shorties and baldies get laughed at for even suggesting such things.

Men may not have as bad standards for "beauty", but there are lots of ways this kind of thing effects males too. At least Kirstie Alley has some people feeling bad for her while the Jason Alexanders of the world get to die alone. Shorties and baldies get laughed at for even suggesting such things.

Well why not? Its not like he has ever been associated with one of the worst 3 superhero movies of all time or anything.

Well why not? Its not like he has ever been associated with one of the worst 3 superhero movies of all time or anything.

That still is a pretty lame solution I realize. The worst part to me about any of this is how Marvel is shitting on the X-Men universe now because they don't own the movie rights. AVX is bullshit. They say they don't take sides but thats like Sorkin saying that about an argument between the evil ratings guy and the

That still is a pretty lame solution I realize. The worst part to me about any of this is how Marvel is shitting on the X-Men universe now because they don't own the movie rights. AVX is bullshit. They say they don't take sides but thats like Sorkin saying that about an argument between the evil ratings guy and the

Why can't they do what they agreed on with Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch? I thought they could each use them, just if the Avengers use them they can't mention anything about Magneto. By the same rule if X-Men features them they cannot reference Avengers stuff.

Why can't they do what they agreed on with Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch? I thought they could each use them, just if the Avengers use them they can't mention anything about Magneto. By the same rule if X-Men features them they cannot reference Avengers stuff.