Commander Blop

I still can't believe they gave Dave's show to Conan.  So yeah, you can extrapolate my feelings about Fallon.

I still can't believe they gave Dave's show to Conan.  So yeah, you can extrapolate my feelings about Fallon.

Honestly, it's not so much a case of not being good so much as it's not as good a movie as the Coens had already proved capable of making.

Honestly, it's not so much a case of not being good so much as it's not as good a movie as the Coens had already proved capable of making.

As a total film, maybe not, because PF and Dogs are so damn stylish.  But the story and characterization is far better in Jackie Brown; the other two's stories tend to evade discussion of their flimsiness because of the novelties they incorporated (three non-chronological plot strands and omitting the heist).

As a total film, maybe not, because PF and Dogs are so damn stylish.  But the story and characterization is far better in Jackie Brown; the other two's stories tend to evade discussion of their flimsiness because of the novelties they incorporated (three non-chronological plot strands and omitting the heist).

Hang on while I look the Ebert quote up, because he said it better than I could.

Hang on while I look the Ebert quote up, because he said it better than I could.

I couldn't be more happy that they are (for the time being) disproving Billy's statement that "my shit doesn't work in the playoffs."  Yes, I'm aware that mean-reversion is imminent, but still, I'm hoping it continues.

I couldn't be more happy that they are (for the time being) disproving Billy's statement that "my shit doesn't work in the playoffs."  Yes, I'm aware that mean-reversion is imminent, but still, I'm hoping it continues.

I guess she seems kind of human, with the pregnancy subtext and all, but the interchange between them always left me cold, or at least tepid.

I guess she seems kind of human, with the pregnancy subtext and all, but the interchange between them always left me cold, or at least tepid.

I'm interested to know which moment(s) in Pulp Fiction you consider as potentially being human.  All I can think of is the exchange between Uma and Travolta back at her place after the O.D., and I'm not sure I'd make the argument for it.

I'm interested to know which moment(s) in Pulp Fiction you consider as potentially being human.  All I can think of is the exchange between Uma and Travolta back at her place after the O.D., and I'm not sure I'd make the argument for it.

Just out of curiosity, and if you care to tell, how old are you?  Approximate would be fine.  I'm just wondering how much age is a factor in this.  My number's right around yours but I was born in '69 so really not impressive (plus was living in New York for the entire nineties, so even less impressive because of

Just out of curiosity, and if you care to tell, how old are you?  Approximate would be fine.  I'm just wondering how much age is a factor in this.  My number's right around yours but I was born in '69 so really not impressive (plus was living in New York for the entire nineties, so even less impressive because of

Yeah, I'd hoped that the AV Club wouldn't give his '90s output short shrift like so many people do.  I get that people who only like Mulholland Dr. and Blue Velvet are never going to come around on that era of Lynch, but I figured that negative bias wouldn't be present here and that at least Lost Highway would get a

Yeah, I'd hoped that the AV Club wouldn't give his '90s output short shrift like so many people do.  I get that people who only like Mulholland Dr. and Blue Velvet are never going to come around on that era of Lynch, but I figured that negative bias wouldn't be present here and that at least Lost Highway would get a

I don't agree at all about Rushmore being disappointing, but I completely agree as far as Max being "unlikable" (a concept I've always hated because I think likability in real life is an arbitrary almost-snap-judgement, whereafter we forgive friends/people deemed likable almost anything and judge those deemed

I don't agree at all about Rushmore being disappointing, but I completely agree as far as Max being "unlikable" (a concept I've always hated because I think likability in real life is an arbitrary almost-snap-judgement, whereafter we forgive friends/people deemed likable almost anything and judge those deemed