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    I am also bothered by the Fridged Woman plot device. However, I am willing to give the show more time to write their way out of it. I think it could be done, although I can't say I'm confident they will, given that they invoked Irene at all, and as tragic love interest.

    I think she realized it but didn't assume that outcome initially - she's clearly assessing his state of mind when she enters Gregson's office at the end, and I think half-expecting to find him still gripped by that cold murderous clarity.

    After learning more of the backstory in this episode, I think Holmes left London for New York because he deduced M was or would be going there. It would explain why the brownstone was full of his stuff the day he got out of rehab; in a live-chat the show writers stated he'd been living there for several months before

    another callback to the first episode: stabbing Moran was the same (if hugely amplified) desperate violent and yet precisely controlled expulsion of frustration and anger as the one that prompted him to crash Watson's car.

    I agree that this seemed a bigger leap for her character than I was prepared for based on what we've seen. However, she has accepted (? or at least observed without reporting) other amoral/illegal behaviour that she was a party to if not always an accomplice: when he pretended to have a warrant to enter the CEO's

    Holmes Sr showed up as "M Holmes" on Watson's phone & in the report she didn't write.

    "having Moriarty break Sherlock of his spirit rather than his sobriety was a satisfying way to get there."

    I especially loved the invocation of Holmes's memory practice with his repetition of Watson's words from the morgue, that he was deliberately echoing what she said (though not 'spot on' this time) to reinforce that he recognized her sincerity of feeling about their work together and was equally sincere in his

    I don't think  you're reading too much into it. Another aspect of this part of the plot that I liked was the parallel between Terri's determination that Carly would go to Georgetown without any discussion or consideration of what Carly wanted and Holmes's certainty that Watson would switch careers immediately (and lie

    Obviously the premise of the show means it's a done deal that Watson will continue working with Holmes in some capacity. However, it's a measure of personal and professional integrity for Watson to wrap up her work as sober companion before returning as associate or trainee or whatever. I agree they're dragging it out