Matt Rankin

I appreciate your honesty Invisible HJ. 

Well said, Robin.

There were a couple good jokes, but it seems like Seth is always so proud of himself after each joke and I find it really annoying.

From Rankinrecap.com:
Cold Open: Vice President Biden throws a tantrum because President Obama is getting all the credit for coming out in favor of Gay Marriage, but finds solace in bonding with former President Bush. This was a nice deviation from the more common cold open of a politician giving some pedantic speech

Mmm, Jane Curtin?

Cold Open: Mitt Romney thanks Rick Santorum at a bar for dropping out of the presidential race and is joined by Rick Perry, Michele Bachman, Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich. Best part of this opening was K. Wiig’s odd high-pitched singing. Nothing really biting or stinging satirical wise, it just reinforced all of the